Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Want to be the Girl With the Most Cake...But I'll Share...

There is always great enthusiasm to travel to Europe, or down to San Francisco to visit my sister, but there is also my enduring enthusiasm for all foods when i particular for coffee, chocolate, and sweet things...ALL sweet things.

Already i am plotting and planning and preparing for the epicuran and gourmand delights of Italy...

Such as a visit to Gaetano ba pasticceria in Firenze (Florence). How can you not be enticed by their pastries and cakes??

And what about Patrizio Cosi? How can anyone not lose themselves multiple times...surrounded by these pastries?

(photo credit: I Dolci di Patrizio Cosi Pasticceria)

1 comment:

  1. I love how you used a lyric from a Hole song. Those pastries look really good, especially the one with the raspberries on it.
